Cumberland Infant School & Little Cumberland

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 Involving Parents/Carers
How will I know how my child is doing?

The parents/carers of children in YR receive a written report at the end of the summer term.

The parents/carers of children in Years 1 and 2 receive 2 written reports during each school year, one during the spring term and the second, final attainment report,

at the end of the school year.

Parents/carers are invited to parents/carers evenings twice per year to discuss their child’s learning.

All of the above is in addition to the availability of meetings with Class Teachers noted previously and below.


How will you help me to support my child’s learning?

We organise parent/carer workshops each year to explain and demonstrate how you can support your child’s learning in maths, reading and writing.

We also offer advice during our ‘meet the teacher sessions at the start of each new school year.

We send home a topic overview and a home learning challenge for each topic. This outlines all the areas of learning your child

will cover in the topic and suggest ways of supporting him or her through home learning.

We support children’s home reading by providing colour-banded, leveled reading bookmarks, which explain exactly what your

child needs to do to progress their reading to the next level.

For children with additional needs the Class Teacher, and where appropriate the Inclusion Leader or Head Teacher, will meet with

parents/carers more regularly to suggest additional ways of supporting their child’s learning at a more individual level.

Where outside agencies are involved i.e. Speech and Language Therapy Team, suggestions and strategies are often provided that can be used at home.


How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?

This very much depends on the needs of the child, which are identified through ongoing tracking of a child’s progress, specific assessment task or a previously

identified need. The Class Teacher is responsible for planning and organising the day to day additional support that a child requires and this support is

normally provided during the school day by the Learning Support Assistant.

Additionally, each year group has a dedicated part-time teacher, who provides extra support for children with additional needs (this includes our Gifted Children).

In the case of Year R a part-time Higher Level Teaching Assistant undertakes this role.

If a child has more complex needs , for example there is an Education Health and Care Plan in place, the type of support needed will be decided in

consultation with Parents/Carers, the Class Teacher, Inclusion Leader, Head Teacher and relevant outside agencies.