Methuen Road, Southsea, Hants PO4 9HJSchool starts at 8.50 am and finishes at 3.15pmTotal time at school a week -32 hours and 5 minutes
023 9273 3161
School Policies
To view our school policies please click on the document titles below.
Accessibility Policy
Admissions Policy - 2024/2025
Anti-Bullying - 2023/2025
Attendance Policy - 2023/2025
Behaviour and Relationship - 2024/2025
Charging and Remissions Policy - 2024/2025
Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy - 2024/2025
Complaints Policy
Data Protection - 2024/2025
Uniform Policy - 2025/2027
E-Safety Policy
Equality and Diversity
First Aid - 2023/2024
Food Handling Policy - 2023/2024
Privacy Notice - 2024/2025
Publication Scheme
Governors' Principles of Behaviour Statement - 2024/2025
Health & Safety
SEND Policy - 2024/2025
Relationships and Health Education Policy (RHE) - 2024/2025
Whistleblowing Policy - 2024/2025