Cumberland Infant School & Little Cumberland

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 Joining Us or Moving On

How will Cumberland Infant School prepare and support my child when joining or leaving the school?

Joining Us.

Prior to children joining us in Year R we meet with local nurseries to find out about the children and any issues that have already been identified. As part of the induction

process we hold a parents/carers’ meeting and invite the children to come into school for play and story sessions. This gives parents/carers a chance to talk to their

child’s Class Teacher to discuss any worries they may have about their child. Just before the children start school, our Year R staff carry out Home Visits,

which provide another opportunity for us to get to know your child.

We are always happy to meet with parents/carers if they feel they would like to have a more formal meeting to discuss their child’s needs prior to them starting school.

If a child joins us mid year we contact the child’s previous school to discuss whether a child has any additional needs. We also encourage parents/carers and their

child to visit us, as soon as possible, so that any concerns can be discussed before a child starts at Cumberland.

Moving On

We have well-tested, comprehensive transition arrangements for children who leave us at the end of Year 2 to move on to Portsmouth Junior Schools.

This includes the children visiting their new school and where possible the Year 3 teachers visiting our school to meet the children and discuss

with the Year 2 teachers any support already in place. If requested or if there is an Education, Health and Care Plan in place we will also arrange a

joint meeting with us, the new junior school and the child’s parents/carers.

If a child leaves us before the end of Year 2 we will liaise with their new school to pass on any relevant information and if possible or appropriate

meet with a member of staff of the new school and the child’s parents/carers.