Cumberland Infant School & Little Cumberland

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Spellings at Cumberland
The application of phonics is taught as the primary strategy in the teaching of spelling. We broadly follow ‘Letters and Sounds’ on a daily basis from Reception through to Year 2 with ‘in school’ specially developed resources that also include the 2014 National Curriculum programmes of study for Year 1 and Year 2. Our children become competent spellers through allotting graphemes to represent letter sounds. Children also learn spelling of tricky words and common exception words and apply these skills in daily dictated sentences during phonics lessons. Word banks, displays, common exception word and sound mats are used in class as visuals scaffolds for children to aid spelling when writing. Spelling corrections are identified by adults during writing sessions and children practise these in response to marked learning. Assessment of spelling is ongoing and recorded at least half termly on the school phonics tracker. This assessment informs future planning and identifies children that may require further support to become confident and competent spellers. These children receive targeted spelling support.

  Click here for Year One Curriculum Spellings   

  Click here for Year Two Curriculum Spellings