Cumberland Infant School & Little Cumberland

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Computing at Cumberland

Our Computing Intent

Did you know that when your child is an adult, 60% of the jobs they will have do not even exist yet? That is a difficult thought to process! This is because technology is progressing at such a rate that our children will be going out into a world - which is mainly digitally run - to begin careers that we have never heard of!

 At Cumberland, through our integrated and engaging Computing curriculum, we prepare all children to use technology confidently, creatively, and responsibly –in a wide range of contexts.

At Cumberland we believe that in their very first years of education, our children should be offered a broad range of rich computing opportunities, have access to quality digital resources, and feel confident enough to explore them -safely! 

Who would like to be an astronaut? Who can de-bug secret codes? Who can create an animation of the Great Fire of London?

We feel that computing is so much more than just using laptops and tablets, but rather having a secure understanding of the three main curriculum areas - Computer Science -algorithms, Information Technology –digital content, and Digital Literacy – E-safety. Always presented in an imaginative, cross curricular context through our exciting integrated projects.

Being digitally literate is essential, and we feel strongly that children should be able to use the internet safely. At Cumberland we ensure that they have the knowledge, and skills, to do so with confidence, without compromising their learning and enjoyment. 

At Cumberland, our intent is to inspire, support, and nurture a love of Computing within our children – skills and knowledge that they can apply to all areas of life, such as problem solving and critical thinking - and enrich their future.

 We believe our motivating and engaging Computing curriculum creates confident, creative and responsible digital leaders who will become active participants in a digital world, shaping the next generations to come. 

Year One creating a magical background setting for their story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears using Purple Mash 2Paint…..

Click here to see our Computing Progression of Knowledge and Skills at Cumberland